Below the Belt Logo

“Back in 2016 our now dear friend, Shannon Cohn asked my husband, Joe, and I if we would be interested in being subjects in a documentary she was working on about endometriosis. We said yes, and now 6 years of filming later, we are so excited to be able to share that “Below The Belt” will makes its debut at The Museum of Modern Art on May 24, 2022.

Executive produced by Hillary Rodham Clinton, Rosario Dawson, Mae Whitman, and Corinne Foxx “Below the Belt” approaches endometriosis as a social justice issue. It lifts the veil on all of the injustices patients face when dealing with the awful storm that is this disease landscape including menstrual stigma, gender and racial bias, misinformed doctors and the undeniable influence and pervasive nature of profit-driven interests in our healthcare.

We are so honored to be part of this project, and are certain it will help create change for the endometriosis community and women’s health as a whole.”

- Jenneh Rishe 


PART OF YOU, NOT ALL OF YOU book cover of cloudy blue skies with gold elements